Paige Young: Forgotten victim of Bill Cosby.

H.C. Colson
8 min readMar 12, 2024


In this article, I have gathered all the stories I’ve read or heard from witnesses to comedian Bill Cosby and former Playboy Playmate Paige Young’s relationship.

Important UPDATE at bottom of article.

Please see my other entries if you are unfamiliar with the story of 1968 Playboy magazine model Paige Young.

Paige Young in 1968. Photo by Peter Gowland. Paige was an oil painter specializing in portraits, one of which of leans against a wall behind her.

I’ve included some non-Cosby personal memories of Paige Young from her old friend (and witness) Henry G.

Attorney Tamara Green’s account of Paige and Bill Cosby was published in the Dec. 2014. The interview is quoted at length below, the reporter was Ryan Parry.

A modeling shot of Tamara Green, late 1960s.

“One of Cosby’s victims, attorney Tamara Green, knew Paige from modeling circles and recalls seeing the pair together.

Tamara Green recalls that she ran into Paige while in El Paso, Texas around 1970, and learned she was dating Bill Cosby.

‘I was there seeing my boyfriend and Paige called me and said Bill was on tour and she was travelling with him.

El Paso Times Feb. 22, 1970

‘They picked me up at my friend’s house and I remember sitting in the back of a stretched black limo with them both and Bill wanted to score some drugs.

I called around and found a bag of pot some place on the edge of El Paso.’

‘Paige was in to her drugs and Bill wanted to get her some, she was along on the trip like his pet dog, she was a very subdued person, more like moon on the water in terms of her personality.’

1970. Bill Cosby was in El Paso at the time Tamara Green says she had an encounter with him and Paige Young.

Tamara continues….

‘They were clearly well acquainted with each other, it didn’t seem like a new thing. As far as I know they dated for a while.’

‘Paige always seemed in a stupor, a daze, like he was controlling her. All I remember is that their relationship wasn’t healthy.’

‘Paige was a young thing who was very much taken advantage of by the men of Hollywood, she was intelligent and talented, it’s a tragedy what happened to her.’

END of Green quotes.

Ryan Parry writes:

“Cosby — whom has recently become the subject of at least 17 sex attack allegations dating back to the late 60s and 70s — was obsessed with Young who had caught his eye during his many visits to the glitzy Playboy Club where she worked on Hollywood’s Sunset Strip.

Cosby was also a regular at the Playboy Mansion in Los Angeles as he and Hugh Hefner began working on many projects together.”


Tamara Green herself has said she was drugged and assaulted by Cosby and that it happened around 1970.

She testified about this behind closed doors in support of Andrea Constand in 2005, for the first civil suit Constand filed against Bill Cosby for drugging and assaulting her.

Constand said this occured in 2004 at the Cosby family home near Philadelphia.

Green was one of a dozen “Jane Does” who testified for Constand in her suit. These women claimed that Bill Cosby drugged and raped them too. Therefore, Constand’s claims could be corroborated.

Constand and Cosby had met and formed a friendship through her job at Temple University, where Cosby had been a supporter of and on the board of trustees for decades.

Bill Cosby and Andrea Constand from

Tamara Green was interviewed by several media outlets in 2005, when Constand’s suit made the news.

Cosby and Constand settled out of court.

Life went back to normal for Bill Cosby.

The sexual assault suit was quickly forgotten in the media and therefore forgotten amongst the general public.

Tamara’s reputation and character were disparaged by Cosby’s legal team in both 2005 and 2014/15.

A few years ago I made a post with the photo seen below, in an “old-timers” Malibu Facebook group, asking if anyone remembered Paige Young from about 1965–70.

According to Playboy magazine and other friends, Paige was living in or around Malibu and Topanga Canyon during those years.

Paige Young poses in front of the famous Malibu tile. Photo by Peter Gowland

Many people wrote in the comments that they recognized the unique “Malibu tile” we see as the backdrop in this photo, but nobody remembered Paige until I received a private message.

“Henry G” contacted me to say he was friends with Paige in Malibu and used to hike with her frequently in Topanga Canyon.

Henry remembers Paige was living in a cabin in Topanga.

Again, this was around 1970.

Henry told me about one time he was with Paige at her home and she began to “break down and cry.” Henry asked her what was wrong and she told him that Bill Cosby had raped her.

Henry worked in the television industry and said that he “always thought Bill Cosby was a nice guy,” to which Paige replied that “he is not nice,” he is “a piece of shit,” “scum,” “a bastard” and “don’t even get me started.”

I then asked Henry if Paige indicated that Cosby had drugged her prior to the rape. He replied that what he remembers was Paige saying how she “came to” and “realized she had been raped.”

Henry said that at one point Paige “tilted her head in the direction of her dresser, I looked over and saw a check made out to Paige signed by Bill Cosby,” and “it had several zeroes.”

  • Update: In the 2020 A&E docuseries Secrets of Playboy, I am shown walking around my office with my voice over telling the above story. It sounds like the editors spliced my words together from different audio recordings I sent them. (Season 1 Episode 8)
  • The story sounds rather choppy or non-coherent.

I hope that this article on Medium makes clear what was told to me by Henry G., about Paige getting drugged and raped by Bill Cosby.

Some time after Paige told Henry the story about Cosby, Paige moved out of the Topanga cabin an into a room Henry was renting out in his large house in Trancas Beach, an area further west of Topanga.

Henry said the location was off of Broad Beach Rd. across from the Trancas Market.

Malibu West, Trancas Beach. Eric Weinberg Pinterest.

Paige stayed at Henry’s beach house for “only about 3 months,” he said. She had been complaining that the “isolation” of the area “blocked her ability to paint.”

After Paige left Henry’s Trancas Beach house, is likely the time she moved to her final home, a carriage house behind a duplex in Westwood, located by UCLA and the Playboy Mansion.

The Playboy mansion which was to play a bigger part in her life from 1972–74.

Henry also told me that he didn’t see Paige much the last 2–3 years of her life as she had become “reclusive.”

I asked Henry if Paige ever mentioned Hugh Hefner, or her Playboy experience and he said that she didn’t and added that he ended up at the Playboy mansion later in the 1970s with a group of his friends, some of whom were “beautiful Malibu girls.” Entrance to the Mansion soiree was easy. Henry said at one moment during that party night, he and Hefner locked eyes.

The next incident was told to me by Richard Sample of Salton Springs, California, before he died in 2021.

It must have happened before 1970, because Paige and Richard were not seeing each other by that time.

This story also appears in the chapter Richard Sample Interview #1.

Richard said he would occasionally pick up Paige at the Sunset Strip Playboy Club, after her shift.

She worked at the club “for about 3 months,” he said.

Vintage Postcard announcing opening of the Sunset Strip Playboy Club at 8560 Sunset Blvd. on Dec.31, 1964.

Bill Cosby was a frequent visitor and performer at many Playboy Clubs. Famously a close friend of Hugh Hefner during that era, Cosby appeared on several episodes of Hefner’s TV show Playboy After Dark 1968–1970.

Bill Cosby plays Playboy Club in LA, 1967. Valley News Dec. 22.

“Bill Cosby was always trying to put the make on Paige. She didn’t want anything to do with him, she ignored him.” — Richard Sample

Richard recalls another time when he was waiting in his car for Paige to get off of her shift at the club. He parked close enough to witness Bill Cosby explode with anger at Paige. Apparently, she had rebuffed yet another one of his advances.

Valley Times 1967

Veronica was a friend from Malibu. She told me via email that Paige, who was a struggling oil painter, told her that Bill Cosby was now acting as her art patron and was giving financial assistance to Paige as a patron of sorts, possibly including rent on the Topanga Canyon dwelling.

Veronica wrote that she thought nothing of it, only that it was very nice of Bill Cosby to help Paige, allowing her to pursue her goal of painting for a living.

Several more of Veronica’s memories of Paige will be published in an upcoming post on Medium.

Bill Cosby’s name was found in Paige’s phone book after her suicide in 1974, so they definitely knew each other.

Paige’s cabin, possibly funded by Bill Cosby according to friend Veronica, was at the southern end of Topanga Canyon Rd., closer to the Pacific Coast Highway.

Paige frequently shopped at the Fernwood Market, Veronica told me, which is located on the southern part of Topanga Canyon Rd.

Close up of Bill Cosby’s name found in Paige’s phone book after she died. What you see was written by Paige’s neighbor Melanie Myers who copied down several names and phone numbers from Paige’s phone book after her suicide in April of 1974. Melanie planned to telephone the people she found in the phone book to inform them of Paige’s death.

UPDATE: I have spoken with a Colorado woman: Mrs. Darlene Valentine, who was the first ex-wife of a prominent LA artist: DeWain Valentine.

Mrs. Valentine was acquainted with Paige Young (and Richard Sample).

She was told by her ex DeWain, that Paige was a “mistress” of Bill Cosby. DeWain himself dated Paige during this time she was Cosby’s mistress, says the 1st Mrs. Valentine.

Darlene said she and Paige were friendly; Paige invited her to an all-female tea party at Paige’s house.

Darlene also told me she knew that Bill Cosby purchased weed from a friend of hers in Venice Beach so she was long aware that he was not “squeaky clean.”



H.C. Colson
H.C. Colson

Written by H.C. Colson

I’m transferring a portion of my website about Paige Young to Medium. For further information see

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